Top Ten Books I Want to Give As Gifts
(In no particular order)
I want to give this book to all of my blogging friends. It sounded like a great story, so I bought it on a whim at the Austin Teen Book Festival. It ended up being one of my absolute favorite reads for this year. Highly recommended especially for this time of year!
2. Wolfsbane and Mistletoe edited by Charlaine Harris and Toni L.P. Kelner
This one would be for Carmel of Rabid Reads and any other lycanthrope "lunatics" out there. It's Christmas stories involving werewolves, what more could you ask for?
3. Rival by Sara Bennett Wealer
I'd definitely give this one to Beth, my best friend from high school. The story just reminded me of her and I so much, though fortunately we weren't to the awful extent of Kathryn and Brooke. I think she'd read it for the nostalgia factor.
4. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
For Elizabeth, an old friend from high school, who just so happens to have a pink taser. I told her in FB she needed to check out this book after she mentioned owning a pink taser.
5. Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder.
I'm looking right at you, Marla. Since Marla of Starting the Next Chapter has read and reviewed Touch of Power, I think the next step is getting her a copy of Poison Study, Maria's first book.
6. Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan
I can't help but think of Andy, my friend in the UK, when I see this book time and again. I would gladly get it for him for Christmas.
7. A Brush of Darkness by Allison Pang
This title definitely screams Nova, one of my friends from San Antonio with a passion for...well, passionate books. And since I'm really enjoying it, I know it's right up her alley.
8. Ada: Legend of a Healer by R.A. McDonald
With Ada being such a kick-butt kind of character, I can't help but want to get a copy for Beth (same best friend from high school). Since she enjoys those kinds of characters (wonder where she gets it from), I think Ada would be just right for her.
9. Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey
After having the chance to meet this amazing and funny author, I would give this one to myself first off (hey, I don't have a copy yet) and any one of my readers. Texas authors come from a big state, so they need big reader love!
10. The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
Anyone who loves horses or Irish mythology because this is one courageous story about a dangerous horse race.
Plus check out the awesome paperback cover art! Just gorgeous!
6. Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan
I can't help but think of Andy, my friend in the UK, when I see this book time and again. I would gladly get it for him for Christmas.
7. A Brush of Darkness by Allison Pang
This title definitely screams Nova, one of my friends from San Antonio with a passion for...well, passionate books. And since I'm really enjoying it, I know it's right up her alley.
8. Ada: Legend of a Healer by R.A. McDonald
With Ada being such a kick-butt kind of character, I can't help but want to get a copy for Beth (same best friend from high school). Since she enjoys those kinds of characters (wonder where she gets it from), I think Ada would be just right for her.
9. Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey
After having the chance to meet this amazing and funny author, I would give this one to myself first off (hey, I don't have a copy yet) and any one of my readers. Texas authors come from a big state, so they need big reader love!
10. The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
Anyone who loves horses or Irish mythology because this is one courageous story about a dangerous horse race.
Plus check out the awesome paperback cover art! Just gorgeous!
There are definitely more books to give as gifts, but the amount of titles would fill a library. (And probably has already.)