Monday, December 5, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday (26): Top Ten Childhood Favorites

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.  Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of the bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer.  Please join in the fun, and remember to link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your Top Ten post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other blogger lists!

Top Ten Childhood Favorites
(In no particular order)

1. The Tawny Scrawny Lion by Kathryn Jackson and Gustav Tenggren
I totally loved having my grandfather read this book to me after I crawled into his lap. He read it with such a wonderful Texas drawl, it just really made my day. Whenever I revisit this book, I still hear his voice as I read it.

2. Three Good Blankets by Ida Luttrell
This was one of the first books that I had the honor of meeting the author at my elementary school library. She read this title to us, and I just could not get over it since I loved the story and the pictures so very much. It was actually the first title I bought with my allowance much to my mother's dismay.

3. The Talking Eggs by Robert D. San Souci and Jerry Pinkney
Originally, I was told this was a different take on the story of Cinderella, but it turned out to be a different fairytale entirely. I loved the art and the story so much, I had to own my own hardback copy.

4. James Herriot's Treasury for Children by James Herriot, Ruth Brown, and Peter Barrett
You will find no better collection of short stories so beautifully illustrated than this collection here. I received this book for Christmas, and I still have it in my personal library today.

5. Ramona and Her Father by Beverly Cleary and Alan Tiegreen
Yes, I had to include at least one Ramona book in my list simply because you just can't NOT include one! Ramona was part of my childhood, and even though I did a book report on this title, it is the most memorable for me.

6. Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith and Gioia Fiammenghi
I was torn between this book and The Chocolate Touch, but since I've read Chocolate Fever more times, I settled on having this one in my list. The idea of having a disease contracted by consuming too much chocolate was just so unfathomable for me, I just had to read it.

7. Snot Stew by Bill Wallace and Lisa McCue
I could not get over these two barn kittens that soon became housecats. Their little game did kind of get old, but it was such a memorable story that I'll never forget.

While I grew up with most of The Saddle Club books, I have to say this one was my favorite. I had always dreamed of getting my own horse at Christmastime, and to read about one of the girls getting her own horse at the holiday season just made my day. 

9. King of the Wind by Marguerite Henry
Most children's first experience with Henry's work was probably Misty of Chincoteague or Brighty of the Grand Canyon. This was mine, a story that took place in a faraway desert land about a boy and a horse with a bond that just could not be broken.

10. D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths by Ingri D'Aulaire and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire
Yes, I was a Greek mythology geek as a kid, too, and this was one of my favorite collections of the myths. The stories combined with the illustrations brought these myths to life for me, and it carried over into middle and high school until today.
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