For the new year, I aim to comment more on my fellow bloggers' reviews and review on a more regular basis. I was very happy with how much reviewing I did in November, and my stats definitely improved in the latter half of the year. With the amount of books I've squirreled away (like the book squirrel I am), I have more than enough to keep me busy even with the amazing new titles being released in 2012. Because of all the books I've acquired in the past year, I feel inspired to participate in the 2012 TBR Pile Reading Challenge. Here's a picture of some of the titles I'd like to read for this challenge, and here's hoping I can do it in a year!
I'm also going to set myself a more realistic goal on Goodreads for 2012. This year I felt pressured by wanting to read 75 books, and now that I'm down to the wire, I'm reading more graphic novels in order to attain that goal. While they are books, I would like to have non-graphic novel titles for the majority (if not all) of my list. So this year I plan to read 50 books that are not graphic novels for my Goodreads 2012 Challenge. That's not to say I won't be reading any graphic novels, I just won't count them towards this particular challenge.
2012 promises to be a great year, and I'm looking forward to it as both a librarian and a blogger. Here's to a new year for all of us, my fellow bloggers and my dear readers!
What reflections do you have for 2011 and what challenges for 2012? ^_^