all of the great lists for 2011 has got me wanting to make a couple of lists of
my own for the past year. I'm not sure I'll be able to make quite as many
as some of my fellow bloggers, but I will do my best to showcase what I felt
was the best for me in 2011. Starting off, we'll hit the very first thing
we see when we look at a book (and what we really shouldn't judge it by): it's
cover. Keep in mind, these can't be placed in any order because they're
all just too beautiful to really give a number to on a scale.
Instead I'll list them by their published date.
By: Beth Kendrick
Publish Date: May
3, 2011
Reasons: Being a baker, this cover just makes me
want to start baking (even though I don't have my own Cuisinart mixer like the
one shown). It also makes my mouth water to see either meringue, whipped
cream, or frosting being prepared.
By: Josephine
Publish Date: May
31, 2011
By: Tera Lynn
Publish Date:
September 6, 2011
Reasons: Simply put...the hair. Just look at it
wriggling and moving around! You know that's not a common talent for hair to
do, and that means something is definitely up.
By: Claudia Gray
Publish Date:
September 13, 2011
Reasons: The ocean and the moon really make this
cover for me. It really sets the overall tone of the doomed ship's voyage while
also giving a hint of the mystery behind some of the passengers on the Titanic.
By: Brian Selznick
Publish Date:
September 13, 2011
Reasons: Lightning is both a beautiful and deadly
thing. This cover definitely captures the more beautiful side of the element.
Plus, again, the blue background is just a gorgeous tone.
By: Leigh Fallon
Publish Date:
October 4, 2011
Reasons: Blue IS
my favorite color, so it's only right that most of my covers seem to feature
it. Her dress is just amazing, and while I'm not sure how it relates to the
story itself, I'm definitely curious.
By: C.C. Hunter
Publish Date:
October 11, 2011
Reasons: The waterfall. Powerful and beautiful, it
puts our dear heroine in a different perspective. Besides, now I want to find
such waterfalls in Texas!
By: Jennifer L.
Publish Date:
October 18, 2011
Reasons: Simple elegance seems to be a theme for
the Covenant series, and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more lovely
covers as more books are published.
By: Mary Lindsey
Publish Date:
December 8, 2011
Reasons: I was very lucky to see the progression of
covers for Mary's debut at both of her book signings. It was fortunate for
readers that they chose to go with this cover having the girl, her dress fading
into rose petals, and the white origami rose on the back cover. Breath-taking.
By: Maria V.
Publish Date:
December 20, 2011
Reasons: Despite the title, the cover shows a
more gentle side and how we must take care when using abilities beyond the
means of ordinary people. It offers a nice balance of strength and fragility,
making it a very lovely image for the story.