Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted by one of the bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish. Everyone is welcome to join, just make sure to link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so everyone can check out other blogger lists. Have fun!
Top Ten Favorite Fantasy Authors
1) Maria V. Snyder - This woman knows how to create and establish a fantasy world, and whenever she publishes a new title, I must have it.
2) Tamora Pierce - I will never get tired of singing her praises, especially when she was ahead of the YA curve long before it was called "young adult."
3) Robert Aspirin - His MYTH series was one of the series that kept me sane while attending college.
4) Rae Carson - This is one of my more recent finds, but she showed a truly visual world and an amazing heroine. I cannot wait to see where she goes from The Fire and Thorns trilogy.
5) Peter S. Beagle - Another author that I will never tire of talking about, especially since I have multiple copies and versions of his most well-known story, The Last Unicorn.
6) Patricia C. Wrede - If you need hilarious fantasy, this is the woman whose books you need to read.
7) J.R.R. Tolkien - Need I say more?
8) Diana Wynne Jones - A talent that readers are sorely missing.
9) Christie Golden - While most might not have heard of her, those who follow certain fantasy game-based novels will recognize her name. Her version of the backstory of a well-known MMORPG character made her one of my favorite authors.
10) Hayao Miyazaki - Yes, I know he's a director and artist, but he's also a writer! And if you've seen any number of his films, you can't say you wouldn't do the same. ^_^