Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted by one of the bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish. Everyone is welcome to join, just make sure to link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so everyone can check out other blogger lists. Have fun!
Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me
1) Touch of Power by Maria V. Snyder - If there's one thing Maria knows, it's how to create a fantasy world, and I've heard nothing but good things about her latest trilogy.
2) Sapphire Blue by Kerstin Gier - Still wanting to continue Gwen's story, especially with where it left off in the church!
3) The Hobbit, or, There and Back Again by J.R.R. Tolkien - This edition is illustrated, and I know these images merely enhance the story that Tolkien told.
4) Luminosity by Stephanie Thomas - I've been eagerly awaiting this debut, so hopefully Santa will deliver under the tree.
4) Luminosity by Stephanie Thomas - I've been eagerly awaiting this debut, so hopefully Santa will deliver under the tree.
5) Krabat by Otfried Preußler - After watching the thrilling German film, I'm eager to see the written story of The Satanic Mill (original name).
8) D'Aulaire's Book of Norse Myths by Ingri D'Aulaire & Edgar D'Aulaire - Because I loved their Greek Myths so much, I couldn't help but want their book of Norse Myths, too.
9) The International Kissing Club by Ivy Adams - Because every Christmas tree needs a fun contemporary novel under it.
10) Wolf Blood by N.M. Browne - And what holiday would it be without a werewolf novel under the tree, too?
6) The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle and Renae DeLiz (Deluxe Graphic Novel) - With all of the additional artwork inside this edition, it's any wonder I want to add it to my graphic novel collection.
7) D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths by Ingri D'Aulaire & Edgar D'Aulaire - I couldn't help reading over and over again from my school library, and I'd love to have my own copy.8) D'Aulaire's Book of Norse Myths by Ingri D'Aulaire & Edgar D'Aulaire - Because I loved their Greek Myths so much, I couldn't help but want their book of Norse Myths, too.
9) The International Kissing Club by Ivy Adams - Because every Christmas tree needs a fun contemporary novel under it.
10) Wolf Blood by N.M. Browne - And what holiday would it be without a werewolf novel under the tree, too?