Friday, December 28, 2012

2012: An Amazing Year

At this time of year in the season of giving, I look back on 2012 and realize just how blessed I have been throughout the year.  So much has happened that I can't help being overfilled with happiness and the need to share it with my readers.

I feel that this year I was really able to come into my own as a blogger because of all of the wonderful people I've met.  The local blogging community is such a boon for this librarian, and I'm always excited to attend different bookish events to see more of the amazing bloggers around my city.  Below are just some of the most awesome bookish people I've met this year:

Christin of Portrait of a Book

Kristin of Kristin Creative

Kate of Ex Libris Kate

Katie of Blook Girl

Maria of Cari's Book Blog

Kristina of Ladybug Storytime

I Read Banned Books
Jen Bigheart of I Read Banned Books (<--Not local, but still a kickin' Texas librarian/blogger)

Trust me when I say there are more because you don't need to have a book reviewing blog to be an awesome bookish person. ^_^

I've also had the chance to meet some pretty fabulous authors this year including Houston authors Mary Lindsey, Joy Preble, C.C. Hunter, Lynne Kelley, and Christina Mandelski.  Before blogging, I didn't realize how many authors are located in Texas especially Houston.  We're very fortunate!

2012 has been a very good year for me, and I hope that will continue on into 2013.  ^_^
Blog Design by Imagination Designs all images from the Amazing Snowland kit by Irene Alexeeva