Thursday, January 12, 2012

Third Sentence Thursday

Third Sentence Thursday

Third Sentence Thursday is a weekly meme that has third sentences on its mind.

1) Take the book you are currently reading now and post the third FULL sentence of whatever page you're on right now.
2) Review the sentence any way you want (funny and silly reviews are encouraged).
3) Post a link to your sentence HERE or if you don't have a blog, just post it in the comments!


I lay awake listening to the creaks and taps the old house made settling on its foundations and watching the moonlight cast jagged shadows as it shone through the broken glass in the window, unwilling to relax my guard against whatever might form out of the moonlight and shadow, afraid of a repeat of last night's violent dream. ~ page 55 of The Demon Lover (ARC) by Juliet Dark.

This is one of the best examples where a location is manifested within the story as an entity... even if the house is causing the main character to experience worrisome dreams.  If there was ever a way to describe this scene, the best word for it would be ominous.
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