In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren where bloggers post about the books they have received in the past week whether for review, purchased, or checked out from the library. ^_^
From My Library:
Black Bird Volume 2 by Kanoko Sakurakouji
Black Bird Volume 3 by Kanoko Sakurakouji
The Demon Lover by Juliet Dark (Thank you, Random House Publishing and NetGalley)
The Sweetest Thing by Christina Mandelski (Thank you, Egmont and NetGalley)
Slumber by Samantha Young (Free from Amazon Kindle Books until January 10th!)
Daphne and the Mysterious Girls Secret Bathroom Society by Robert Shields (Thank you, Robert Sheilds)
That's all for my mailbox this week. What did you receive? ^_^
That's all for my mailbox this week. What did you receive? ^_^