Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sometimes It Takes the Unexpected to Find What You Really Need

Author:  Dakota Cassidy
Summary:  Marty Andrews sure is having a bad week.  First, she’s bitten by a mangy mutt while walking her teacup poodle.  As a result, her salon-perfect blonde hair begins darkening by the day to something that’s sooo not in her color wheel.  Her moodswings have turned her into The Hormonal Hulk.  Worse yet, the hair on her legs is growing at a rate even a body slam into an entire vat of wax couldn’t cure.  Last, and most important, her dream job as a sales rep for Bobbie-Sue Cosmetics is going to hell in a handbasket…

The only high point is Keegan Flaherty, the drool-worthy man who shows up at her door.  Of course, he’s clearly insane.  Keegan claims that he accidentally bit Marty, and since he’s a werewolf, she is now, too.  Red meat cravings aside, Marty refuses to believe a word until a kidnapping makes her realize there’s more at stake than her highlights.  And she must put her out-of-control life in the hands of the man who makes her blood run wild in more ways than one…

The Dish:  Okay, I have a confession to make.  My guilty reading choice is paranormal romance novels.  Regular romance just doesn’t do much for me, there has to be the added element of the paranormal or supernatural to make a title in the Romance genre seem intriguing to me.  And I have been eying The Accidental Werewolf for quite some time now just because the summary roused my curiosity.  And the cover is quite eye-catching as well in a nice almost metallic purple.  If you sell or know someone who sells Mary Kay or Avon products, I’d recommend this little romp to them just for a lark. 

Marty is adorable in her own bizarre way, though she is quite obsessed with the color wheels of Bobbie-Sue Cosmetics.  With a company name like “Bobbie-Sue”, I’d almost expect her to be selling door-to-door in Georgia, Alabama, or another of the southern states.  But you have to admire a woman who knows what she wants and is determined to get it, and in Marty’s case, that desire is to obtain Sky Blue status as well as a sky-blue convertible that goes along with the rank.  Perhaps her goals are a bit material, but Marty is willing to put in the work hours, and beyond, in order to achieve that goal. 

It is when Keegan Flaherty enters the picture that the path to achievement becomes rather bumpy for Marty.  Being one to take responsibility for his actions, Keegan is determined to assist Marty’s transition into the life of a werewolf.  Even if he has to constantly lock horns with her to get her to focus.  As one would guess, he is the drop-dead, most gorgeous hunk you ever did see, but then again what main male character in a Romance novel isn’t?  I’ll admit it would be a nice change to have a bit of variety in the way of males, but Keegan has his merits.  And while Marty does get under his skin, he manages to get to her in ways that just make her ask a bunch of questions, which in turn drives him crazy.  It’s nice to see a couple with a healthy dose of mutual nuttiness. 

Overall the story is cute as Keegan takes Marty from New York City out to the Poughkeepsie area after someone attempts to kidnap her.  This is not only for her protection but also to introduce her to the life of the werewolf pack that has yet to have a human changed into a werewolf within the past few centuries.  I thought this was an intriguing idea of Cassidy’s since most other werewolf novels, whether romance or urban fantasy, usually have the werewolf gene transferred at least half the time through attacks on humans.  It seems as though while Keegan’s immediate family accepts Marty readily, the rest of the pack as well as the overseeing Lunar Council is slow to accept a virtual outsider within their midst.  I won’t spoil the story further, but I definitely enjoyed The Accidental Werewolf.
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