It's time again for New Year's Resolutions to be made, and I plan on keeping them this year. Last year, my resolutions had to do with 1) obtaining a full-time library job and 2) doing well for all of my coworkers. This year, the resolutions are more personal and have less to do with work (though I still plan on doing my best to help make the library looks fabulous).
Resolution 1: I plan on making time every week to start and finish at least 1 book on my To-Be-Read List.
Reason: Last year, I started actually making a list of books that I have either read or want to read, also making note of which ones are available in the library. I want to make a point of checking off more books from that list this year, and if I can make that possible I will be thrilled. That also means I can start adding MORE books to the list for next year.
Resolution 2: I plan on walking on a regular basis.
Reason: During library school, I was able to take Aikido on a regular basis and it made me feel excellent and just more productive throughout the week. Since there is no dojo for Aikido within a reasonable driving distance, I must have some form of exercise until I can locate a different style of martial arts. Walking should be a reasonable exercise to do, and if I want to have a higher impact, I could always use some handweights while walking.
Resolution 3: I plan to write at least once a week for 2 hours.
Reason: Writing has been a part of my life ever since middle school, and I feel I've grown as a writer since starting out. College and library school really helped my writing style mature, but I know there is still a lot of room for growth. Keeping the mind of a student always willing to learn and listen is one of the best ways to both grow and gain experience alongside knowledge. I miss being able to obtain the state of mind in which I feel am almost in a trancelike state where it is just me and my computer. It is my hope that I'll be able to do so in disciplining myself to write each week.
What are your New Year's Resolutions if you care to share?