Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wandering the Archive

Deep within the archives of my home library, there lurks title upon title of books accrued over half (or more) a lifetime. Nobody knows just why a bookshelf grows out of proportion or why it needs to be expanded except... the bibliophile. And even then, she might have forgotten the reason somewhere along the way. But now, these titles will slowly be unearthed and displayed here for any who dare to wander into... DJL's personal archive.

Okay, now that the dramatics are finished, I wanted to start something new in which I basically look through my home library, select a title at random (hopefully older titles I've had for awhile), and then ultimately answer why I currently have it in my library. I've wanted to find something different to post about regarding books, and while I'm sure there are other bloggers who likely have such a post already in place, I will simply call mine "Wandering the Archive." On to today's selection!

What is it?

The Nymph King by Gena Showalter (2007)
Females young and old, beautiful and plain crave Valerian's touch. None can resist his blatant sensuality and potent allure... until he steals Shaye Holling from a Florida beach and holds her prisoner in his underwater kingdom.

The cynical Shaye wants nothing to do with the mighty warlord, but she's inexplicably drawn to him. For underneath the warrior's arrogant beauty lies a complex and powerful man. A man whose caress is like fire...

Now Valerian must fight for the privilege of claiming her as his own. Because there's one thing Shaye doesn't know... That when a nymph discovers his true mate, she's his for life.

Where did I obtain it?

I bought this copy from a Borders in North Texas. How I miss having Borders!

Why did I pick it up?

The cover, such a shallow answer, but it's true. It's such a gorgeous shade of blue, and Valerian (if that IS him on the cover) isn't that bad on the eyes. But the story also intrigued me, which is why I bought it.

When did I read it?

I think in 2007 while I was in library school. Once I started reading I couldn't stop. 

Who would I recommend reading it?

Anyone who enjoys paranormal romances or ocean-themed stories. Ironically, I really enjoyed the side-story romance more than the main story between Valerian and Shaye. It's not that their story was boring, I just knew it was a matter of getting past their unresolved tension. Joachim, Brenna, and Shivawn's story was much more intriguing, most likely from the triangle, and the outcome was amazing. 

Will I keep it?

Most definitely. It's my first Gena Showalter book and one of the best paranormal romance novels I've read. 
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