Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted by one of the bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish. Everyone is welcome to join, just make sure to link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so everyone can check out other blogger lists. Have fun!
Top Ten Favorite Places to Read
(In no particular order)
2. My bedroom.
My nightstand is perfect for a stack of books that I want to read. Right up until bedtime, I can sit comfortably under the covers and read to a stopping place.
3. The library.
While the library I work in isn't always quiet, the one in my neighborhood is very quiet upstairs with a great view of the small pond.
4. The park.
There's a park near the library I work at which is so pretty and quaint, provided I don't bring food with me. The ducks and geese would go nutters while I'm trying to read.
5. The car.
On long road trips where I'm not driving, I usually have one or two (or three or four) books with me. It started out when I was little and has just been maintained over time.
6. The bookstore.
Whether it's Hastings, Barnes & Noble, or one of the many independent bookstores I love so much, they are all great places to sit in comfort and read. Granted, I make sure it's either a book I've bought or a book I'm going to buy before I start reading.
7. The airport/airplane.
Traveling can be such a bear at times, but it's nice to have a book to distract you from either waiting to board a plane, waiting for the plane to land, or waiting for someone to disembark from a plane.
8. The bakery/coffeehouse/yogurt store.
What better place to enjoy a great book than with something sweet to eat or drink?
9. Any "waiting" chair.
The salon, the inspection station, the tire store, anywhere that I'm made to wait for some service to be performed, I always always ALWAYS try to have a book with me. Because when you don't have a book is when you have to wait the longest time.
10. My chairs.
Some days you want more of a natural view while reading, and my chairs provide a nice view within the comforts of my home. (Namely the view below.)