Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tune in Tuesday (5): Meine Liebe und Unsere Musik

Tune in Tuesday is hosted by Ginger at GReads as a means of spreading the love and word about music.  I'm definitely for anything that helps keep music alive in the world and in our hearts. 

There is a wonderful man in my life who is from Germany, and he recently introduced me to this particular group.  Today's selection are several German songs by Helium Vola, and I hope you enjoy the calming music. ^_^

"Maienzeit"/"Maytime" - Helium Vola

"Mahnung"/"Reminder" - Helium Vola

"Les Habitants du Soleil"/"The Habitants of the Sun" - Helium Vola
(This last one is actually in French, but it's still so beautiful, I had to share.)

What are you tuning into today?
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